John T. Paoletti Travel Research Fellowship
“Using funds from the John T. Paoletti Travel Research Fellowship, I traveled to New York and the Boston area to conduct research in person at the Morgan Library, the New York Public Library’s Spencer Collection, Wellesley Library, and Harvard’s Houghton Library. Over the course of one week, I viewed eight different copies of Cristoforo Landino’s 1481 Comento sopra la Commedia di Dante, the focus of my senior thesis project. While my project focuses on the individual copy held in Wesleyan’s Special Collections, I could not fully understand the particulars of the Wesleyan copy without carefully examining other copies. During my research visits, I was able to fully visualize the print run as a whole. I now know what traits exist in other extant copies and what specific details are unique to the Wesleyan copy.“

To learn more about eligibility and the application process for the John T. Paoletti Travel Research Fellowship visit the ARHA website
Deadline March 29th 2023