2024 Paoletti Travel Research Fellowships Announced!

The Art History Program is pleased to announce four Art History majors will be receiving the John T. Paoletti Travel Research Fellowship, which is awarded yearly to members of the junior class. Valerie Gottridge ’25, Emily Petersdorf ’25 & Sophie Raiskin-Wood ’25 The purpose of the fellowship is to fund research related to an honors … Read more

Honors Theses Spring Colloquium – 02.27.23

Art History honors candidates recently presented the spring installment of their senior colloquium. This is a critical time for our seniors to receive feedback and guidance from their peers and faculty as they move to finalize their theses. Gabby Farina ’23 “Imagining The Alhambra: Gender, Ornament, and Representational Space“ Since the fall colloquium, my thesis … Read more


John T. Paoletti Travel Research Fellowship “Using funds from the John T. Paoletti Travel Research Fellowship, I traveled to New York and the Boston area to conduct research in person at the Morgan Library, the New York Public Library’s Spencer Collection, Wellesley Library, and Harvard’s Houghton Library. Over the course of one week, I viewed … Read more


Paoletti Travel Research Fellowship, 2022 “With the help of the John T. Paoletti Travel Fellowship, I spent two weeks this summer traveling in Spain and conducting research for my senior thesis. Centered around experiential accounts of the architecture of al-Andalus, my thesis aims to investigate the construction of monument, gender, and memory in al-Andalus and … Read more

Honors Theses Fall Colloquium – 10.19.22

Seniors seeking honors in Art History recently participated in the Honors Theses Fall Colloquium. This was an important opportunity for them to share their early project research and receive constructive feedback and guidance from their peers and faculty. Mark your calendars for the next Honors Theses Spring Colloquium! February 23rd 2023 Gabby Farina ’23 “Memory, … Read more